
Where to find autosaved documents word 2016
Where to find autosaved documents word 2016

Step 4: If you click Options, a window will pop up. The window below will pop up and when you click open, the Word Document will open. Step 3: If you click Recover Unused Document, you are done. Either click Recover Unsaved Documents or Options. Step 1: Open Microsoft Word, same as before. I highly recommend using the first method. Going through the options and finding the file on your computer will take longer. This is very similar to the first method. By default, Word 2016 autosaves every 10 minutes. There is another method to recover your document using the Microsoft Word desktop application. Method 2: Recover by Finding the Autorecovery File Location Find the file you are seeking among the list of unsaved files, then click Open. Step 4: The following window should pop up. Click it, then select Recover Unsaved Documents. Method 1: Recover from AutoRecover (.ASD) Files Method 3: Recover using Data Recovery Software.Method 2: Recover by Finding the Autorecovery File Location.Method 1: Recover from AutoRecover (.ASD) Files.

Where to find autosaved documents word 2016